Thursday, October 10, 2019

What is Gradventure School?

First and foremost, it's a nonsense title I made up for this creative outlet. But in a much more(read:less) real way, it's the intersection of adventure and graduate school.

Who Am I?

I'm a graduate student (obviously?) in computer science, a relatively serious rock climber, an (ex?) avid fan of all things gaming, and a whole lot of other things. I finished my undergrad in computer science at a major state school in the Southeast in 2016. I worked for about 2 years doing nothing particularly useful or interesting at a relatively large financial company and quit to spend several months on the road living out of my minivan. Most of that time was spent climbing and enjoying the outdoors. Now I'm back at that same state school having been accepted as a PhD. candidate. Since I did practically 0 mentally challenging work (assuming you don't count rock climbing) in my 3 year hiatus from academia, starting back has been quite a shock to the system.

What to Expect?

This is not a computer science blog, nor is it really a blog about grad school itself, exactly. This blog is meant to be a way to discuss everything surrounding graduate school, though I might dip into my studies when there's something particularly interesting. I realize grad school tends to consume people's lives while they're in it, but I'm hoping to maintain as much of my life outside school as possible. I plan to continue to spend as much time as is feasible outdoors. I plan to maintain or even elevate my rock climbing abilities. And maybe if I really get on top of things, I would love to pick my first love back up, gaming, of the tabletop and video varieties. I also really enjoy lifestyle optimization with respect to productivity and frugality. This blog will be about endeavoring to do all of these things. Then, one might call this a lifestyle blog, or maybe even an outdoors or gaming blog. Mostly though, I'm viewing it as an outlet to help myself stay sane and record thoughts as I navigate balancing all of the things that I find important and interesting in life.

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